1 ! An exhortation bothe to the Jewes and Gentiles to praise God for his mercie. And this specially oght to be referred to the kingdome of Christ.
1 a The Prophet sheweth that the time shal come, that all nations shal haue occasion to praise the Lord for the reueiling of his Gospel.
4 b Seing he wil reueile him selfe to all nations contrary to their owne expectation, they oght all to worship him contrary to their owne imaginations, & onely as he hathe appointed.
5 / Or, vanities.
6 d God can not be knowen, but by his strength and glorie: the signes whereof appeare in his Sanctuarie.
10 g He prophecieth that the Gentils shalbe partakers with the Jewes of Gods promes.