1 a Whose office it is to take vengeance on the wicked.
1 b Shewe by effect that thou art Judge of the worlde to punish the wicked.
5 d Seing the Church was then so sor oppressed it oght not to seme strange to vs, if we se it so now, & therefore we muste call to God to take our cause in hand.
7 e He sheweth that they are desperat in malice, forasmuchas they feared not God, but giue them selues wholly to do wickedly.
10 g If God punish whole nations for their sins it is mere folie for anie one man, or els a fewe to thinke that God wil spare them.
10 ! Warning them of Gods judgements.
12 h God hathe care ouer his and chasticeth them for their welth, that they shulde not perish for euer with the wicked.
12 ! Then doeth he comfort the afflicted by the good issue of their afflictions as he felt in him self, & did se in other, & by the ruine of the wicked.
15 i God wil restore the state & gouernement of things to their right vse, & then the godlie shal followe him cherefully.
17 k He complaineth of them, which wolde not helpe him to resiste the enemies: yet was assured that Gods helpe wolde not faile.
20 n Thogh they wicked judges pretend justice in oppressing the Church, yet, they haue not that autoritie of God.
23 o It is a great token of Gods judement, when the purpose of the wicked is broken, but moste, when thei are destroied in their owne malice.
23 ! Whome the Lord wil destroye.