1 a Dauid complaineth that he can not haue accesse to the Church of God to make profession of his faith ??? to profit in religion.
2 ! Desireth moste ardently to come againe to the Tabernacle of the Lord & the assemblie of the Saints to praise God.
2 b For none but the priests colde enter in to the Sanctuarie, & the rest of the people into the courtes.
6 ! Then he praiseth the courage of the people that passe through the wildernes to assemble them selues in Zion.
6 e That is, of mulberietrees which was a baren place: so that they which passed through must dig pits for water: signifying no lets can hinder them that are fully bent to come to Christs
10 h He wolde wish to liue but one daie rather in Gods Church, then a thousand among the worldelings.