2 a Because you fele not that, which you speak you thinke the whole standeth in wordes, and so flatter your selues as thogh none knewe anie thing, or colde knowe but you.
4 b He reporueth these his friends of two fautes: the one that thei thoght thei had better knowledge then in dede they had, & the other that in stead of true consolation they did deride, and despise their friend in his aduersitite.
4 c The which neighbour being a mocker,and a wicked man, thinketh that no man is in Gods fauour but he, because he hathe all things that he desireth.
5 d As the riche esteme not a light, or torche that goeth out, so is he despised that falleth from prosperitie to aduersitie.
7 e He declareth to them that did dispute against him, that their wisdome is commune to all, & suche as the very brute beasts do dailie teache.
7 ! He declareth the might, and power of God.
11 f He exhorteth them to be wise in judging, and aswel to know the right vse why God hathe giuen them eares, as he hathe done a mouth.
12 g Thogh men by age, and continuance of time atteine to wisdoem, yet it is not comparable to Gods wisdome, nor able to comprehend his judgements, wherein he answereth to that, which was alledged, {Chap. 8,8}
16 h He sheweth that there is nothing done in this worlde without Gods wil, and ordinance: for els he shulde not be almightie.
18 k He abateth the honour of princes, and bringeth them into the subjection of others.
23 m In this discourse of Gods wonderful workes Job sheweth that whatsoeuer is done in this worlde, bothe in the ordre and change of things is by Gods wil and appointement: wherein he declareth that he thinketh wel of God, and is as able to set forthe his power in wordes as they that reasoned against were.