1 ! After the death of Maman was Mordecai exalted.
1 a That is, was receiued into the Kings fauour and presence.
1 b That he was her vncle and had broght her vp.
3 c Meaning, that he shulde abolish the wicked decrees, which he had made for the destruction of the Jewes.
7 / Or, went alone to slay the Jewes.
8 e This was the lawe of the Medes & persians as {Dan. 6,15}: not withstanding the King reuoked the former decree granted to Haman, for Esters sake.
9 f Which conteineth parte of May and parte of June.
9 g That is, in suche letters & language, as was vsial in euerie prouince.
11 h That is, to defend them selues against all that wolde assaile them.
12 i Which hath parte of Februarie & part of Marche.
13 k The King gaue them libertie to kill all that did oppresse them.
14 ! Comfortable lettres are sent vnto the Jewes.
16 l He sheweth by these wordes that follow what this light was.
17 m Conformed them selues to the Jewes religion.