1 ! The King turneth ouer the chronicles, and findeth the fidelitie of Mordecai.
1 / Ebr. the Kings slepe departed.
3 a For he thoght it vnworthie his estate to receiue a benefite, & not reward it.
4 b Thus, while the wicked imagine the destruction of others, thei them selues fall into he same pit.
8 e Meaning hereby, that the King shulde make him next vnto him self, as Joseph hereby was knowen to be next to Pharaoh, {Gen 41,42}
10 ! And commandeth Harman, to cause Mordecai to be had in honour.
13 d Thus God sometime putteth in the mouthe of the very wicked, to speake that thing, which he hathe decreed shal come to passe.