1 a From Babylon to Jerusalem.
7 b Next in dignitie to the hie Priests, and which were of the stocke of Aaron.
8 ! The Priests and Leuites, which came with Zerubbabel vnto Jerusalem, are nombred.
8 c Had charge of them that sang the Psalmes.
9 d They kept their wardes and watches according to their turnes, as {1 Chr. 23,6}
12 e That is, next to Seraiah, or rather of that ordre, which was called after the name of Seraiah.
17 f Whereof was Zacharie John Baptist father.
24 g That is, one after another, and euerie one in his course.
27 ! And the wall is dedicated.
28 / Ebr. sonnes of the singers.
28 h Which were a certeine famile & had their possessions in the fields, {1Chro. 2,54}
36 k That is, the brethren of Zaccur.
37 l Which was the going vp to the mount Zion, which is called the citie of Dauid.
42 / Ebr. caused to heare.
44 m Which were chambers appointed by Hezekiah to put in the tithes, and suche things, {2 Chro. 3,11}, and now were repared againe for the same vse.
47 n That is, the tenth parte of the tithes.