7 d The Scripture doeth terme her thus, because she was a cruel murtherer, and a blasphemous idolatresse.
14 g For the wicked Kings his predecessours and Athaliah had destroied the vessels, of the Temple, or turned them to the vse of their idoles.
16 h Signifying, that thei colde not honour him to muche, who had so excellently serued in the worke of the Lord, and in the affaires of the commune wealth.
17 i Which were flatterers, and knewe now that the King was destitute of him who did watche ouer him as a father, & therefore broght him to moste vile idolatrie.
19 k They toke heauen & earth and all creatures to witness, that except they returned to the Lord, he wolde moste grieuously punish their infidelitie & rebellion.
21 m There is not rage so cruel & beastely as of them whose heartes God hathe hardened, and which delite more in superstition & idolatrie, then in the true seruice of God & pure simplicitie of his worde.
22 n Reuenge my death & require my blood at your hands: or he speaketh this by prophecie, because he knewe that God wolde do it. This Zacharie is also called the sonne of Barachie {Mat. 23:35}, because his progenitours were Iddo, Barachiah, Jehoiada, &c.
25 p Meaning Zacharie, which was one of Jehoiadas sonnes & a Prophet of the Lord.
27 r That is, the reparacion.
27 ! After him reigneth Amaziah.