20 l That is, as some write he was not regarded, but deposed for his wickednes & idolatrie: so that his sonne reigned 22 yeres, (his father yet lyuing) without honour & after his fathers death he was confirmed to reigne stil, as {Chap. 23,2}
4 c Meaning, of Judah & Benjamin.
4 b Because the wicked liue euer in feare & also are ambitious, they become cruel, & also are ambitious, they become cruel, & spare not to murther them, whome by nature they oght moste to cherish & defend.
6 ! He was broght to idolatrie.
11 f Meaning, idolatrie, because that the idolater breaketh promes with God, as doeth the adulteresse to her housband.
11 ! And seduceth the people.
12 g Some thinke that this was Elisha, so called, because he had the Spirit in abundane, as had Eliah.
15 h We se this example daily, practised vpon them that falin away from God, and become idolaters and murtherers, of their brethren.
16 i There were other Arabians in Africa Southward toward Egypt.