1 a Who was called Obed, as his father was, {vers. 8}
3 b For the space of twelue yeres vnder Rohoboam, and thr yeres vnder Abiiah, religion was neglected and idolatrie planted.
4 c He sheweth, that notwithstanding the wickednes of tyrants & their rage, yet God hath his, whome he heareth in their tribulacion, as he deliuered his from Zerah King of the Ethiopians, & out of all other dangers, when thei called vpon the Lord.
11 f Which they had taken of the Ethiopians.
13 g These were the wordes of their couenant, which commanded all idolaters to be put to death according to the Lawe of God, {Deut 13}.
16 i Or grandmother: & herein he shewed that he lacked zeal: for she oght to haue dyed bothe by the couenant, and by the Lawe of God: but he gaue place to foolish piti, & wolde also seme after a sorte to satisfie the Lawe.
16 ! He deposeth his ther for her idolatrie.
17 k Which partely came through lacke of zeale in him, partely through the negligence of his officers, & partely by the superstition of the people, that all were not taken away.
17 l Because that God was called the God of Israel by reason of his promes to Jaakob: therefore Israel is sometime taken for Judah, because Judah, was his chief people.
17 m In respect of his predecessors.