1 a Hereby God declared that he was pleased with Salomons prayer.
1 ! The fyre consumeth the sacrifice.
2 ! The glorie of the Lord filleth the Temple.
8 b The feast of the Tabernacle which was kept in the seuent moneth.
9 c They assembled to heare the worde of God after that they had remained seuen dayes in the bouthes or Tabernacles.
10 d They had leaue to departe the two & twentieth day, {1 King 8,66}, but they went not away til the next day.
14 e I wil cause the pestilence to cease & destroy the beasts that hurt the frutes of the earth, and send raine in due season.
17 ! And promiseth to exalt him and his throne.
20 f Which thing declareth that God had more respect to their saluation, then to the aduancement of his owne glorie: & where as men abuse those things, which God hathe appointed to set forthe his praise, he doeth withdrawe his graces thence.