1 a This was after the death of Ishbosheth Sauls sonne, when Dauid had reigned ouer Judah seuen yeres and six moneths in Hebron, {2 Sam. 5, 5}
3 ! After the death of Saul is Dauid annointed in Hebron.
5 ! The Jebusites rebell against Dauid, from whome he taketh the towre of Zion.
6 ! Joab is made captain.
11 b Meaning the moste excellent & best estemed for his valiantnes: some read, the chief of the princes.
14 c This act is referred to Shamah, {2 Sam. 23,11} which semeth was the chiefest of these.
15 d That is Eleazar & his two companions.
19 e That is, this water, for the which they ventured their blood.
25 f Meaning, those thre which broght the water to Dauid.
27 g Called also Shemmoab, {2 Sam. 23,25}
29 h He is also called Mebunnai, {2 Sam. 23,27}