4 c That is, the money of redemption, {Exod. 30:12}: also the money which the Priest valued the vowes at {Leu 27, 2} & their fre liberalitie.
5 d For the Temple which was buylt an hundreth fiftie & fiue yeres before, had many things decaied in it, bothe by the negligence of the Kings his predecessors, and also by the wickednes of the idolaters.
9 / Or, vessel.
13 h For these men had onely the charge of the reparacion of the Temple, and the rest of the money was broght to the King, who caused these afterwarde to be made, {2Chro. 24,14}
18 i After the death of Jehoiada Joash fel to idolatrie therefore God rejecteth him, and stirreth vp his enemie against him, whome he pacified, with the treasures of the Temple: for God wolde not be serued with those gifts, seing the Kings heart was wicked.
20 l Read {2 Sam. 5,9}
20 ! He is killed by two of his seruants.