1 ! Jeroboam sendeth his wife disguised to Ahiiah the Prophet, who declareth vnto him the destruction of his house.
2 a His owne conscience bare him witnes, that the Prophet of God wolde not satisfie his affections which was a wicked man.
3 b According to the custome when they were to aske counsel of Prophetes, {1 Sam. 9,7}
5 c Then the wife of Jeroboam.
6 d For God oft times discloseth vnto his the craft and subteltie of the wicked.
7 e Which wast but a seruant.
10 g Euery male euen to the dogs, {1 Sam 25, 22}.
10 h Aswel him that is in the strong holde, as him that is abroad.
11 i They shal lacke the honour of buryal in token of Gods malediction.
13 k In the middes of the wicked God hath some, on whome he doeth bestowe his mercies.
14 l The Lord wil beginne to destroy it out of hand.
16 n The people shal not be excused, when they do euil at the commandement of their gouernours.
20 o The Lord smoete him that he dyed.
21 p And dyed before Jeroboam about 4 yeres.
22 ! Judah is punished by Shishak.
22 / Or, besides all that their fathers had done by their sinnes.
24 q Where idolatrie reigneth, all horrible vices are committed, til at length Gods just judgement destroy them vtterly.
29 r Which bokes were called the bokes of Shemaiah and Iddo the Prophetes, {2 Chro. 12, 15}.
30 f That is, all the dayes of Rehoboams life.
31 t Whose idolatrie Rehoboam her sonne followed.