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4 a Oppresse vs not with so great charges, which we are not able to susteine.
6 / Or, had bene of his ancient counsellers.
7 b Thei shewed him that there was no way to winne the peoples hearts, but to grante them their juste peticion.
9 c There is not thing harder for them, that are in autoritie, then to bridel their affections, and followe good counsel.
9 c There is no thing harder for them, that are in autoritie, then to bridel their affections, and followe good counsel.
10 / Or, litle finger.
11 d I am muche more able to kepe you in subjection then my father was.
12 e The people declare their obedience in this, that they wolde attempt nothing before the King had giuen them juste occasion.
16 f Thogh their cause were good, yet it is moste hard for the people to bridel their affections, as these vile wordes declare.
21 ! God commandeth Rehoboam not to fight.
24 k Who of his just judgement wil punishe the trespasser, and of his mercie spare the innocent people.
28 m So craftie are the carnal persuasions of princes, when they wil make a religion to serue to their appetite.
28 ! Jeroboam maketh golden calues.