1 ! Salomon taketh Pharaohs daughter to wife.
2 b Where altars were appointed before the Temple was buylt to offer vnto the Lord.
3 c For his father had commanded him to obey the Lord & walke in his wayes, {Chap. 2, 3}.
4 d For there the Tabernacle was {2 Chro. 1,3}
5 ! The Lord appeareth to him & giueth him wisdome.
6 e Thou hast performed thy promes.
7 f That is, to behaue myselfe in executing this charge of ruling.
9 g Which are so manie in nomber.
11 h That is, that thine enemies shulde dye.
13 / Or, hathe bene none.
15 i He knewe that God had appeared vnto him in a dreame.
16 k By this example it appeareth that God kept promes with Salomon in granting him wisdome.
17 ! The pleating of the two harlottes, and Salomons sentence therein.
20 l She stale the quicke childe away, because she might both auoide the shame and punishement.
23 m Except God giue judges vnderstanding, the impudencie of the respacer shal ouerthrowe the just cause of the innocent.
26 n Her motherly affection herein appeareth that she had rather endure the rigour of the lawe, then se her childe cruelly slaine.