1 b The Lord permitted Satan, as {1 Chro. 21,1}
1 ! Dauid causeth the people to be nombred.
2 c Because he did this to trie his power and so to trust therein, it offended God, els it was lawful to nomber the people, {Exod. 30,12}, {Nomb. 1, 2}
13 g For 3 yeres of famine were past or the Gibionites matter: this was the 4 yere, to the which shulde haue bene added another 3 yeres more, {1 Chro. 21,12}
15 ! Seuentie thousand perish with the pestilence.
17 k Dauid sawe not the iust cause, why God plagued the people, & therefore he offreth him selfe to Gods corrections, as the onely cause of this euil.
24 n Some write, that euer tribe gaue 50, which make 600, or that afterwarde he boght as muche as came to 550 shekels, {1 Chron. 21, 25}.