1 ! Philistims make warre against Israel.
5 b That is, 156 lib. 4 onces, after halfe an once the shekel. & 600 shekels weight ammounteth to 18 lib. 3 quaters.
5 / Or, coate of plate.
10 / Or, hand to hand.
17 d Thogh Ishai ment one thing, yet Gods prouidence directed Dauid to another end.
22 / Ebr. vessels
23 f As are aboue rehearsed {ver. 8 & 9}
29 i For his fathers sending was a juste occasion, & also he felt him self inwardly moued by Gods Spirit.
34 l Dauid by the experience that he hathe had in time past of Gods helpe, nothing douteth to ouercome this danger, seing he was zealous for Gods honour.
34 ! The strength and boldenes of Dauid.
40 n To the intent that by these weake meanes God might only be knowen to be the autor of this victorie.
46 p Dauid being assured bothe of his cause & of his calling, prophecieth of the destruction of the Philistims.