1 c I can answer them, that reproue my barennes.
1 b I haue recuered strength & glorie by the benefite of the Lord.
1 a After that she had obteined a sonne by prayer, she gaue thankes.
3 d In that ye condemne my barennes, ye shewe your pride against God.
5 e Thei sel their labours for necessarie fode.
8 f He preferreth to honour and putteth downe according to his owne wil, thogh mans judgement be contrary.
8 g Therefore he may dispose all things according to his wil.
10 h She grounded her prayer on Jesus Christ which was to come.
11 i In all that Eli commanded him.
12 k That is thei neglected his ordinance.
12 ! The sonnes of Eli, wicked.
13 ! The newe custome of the Priests.
14 l Transgressing the ordre appointed in the Lawe, {Leui. 7,31}, for their bellies sake.
15 m Which was commanded first to haue bene offred to God.
16 n Not passing for their owne profite so that God might be serued aright.
17 o seing the horrible abuse thereof.
18 ! Samuel ministreth before the Lord.
20 ! Eli blesseth Elkanah and his wife.
20 / Or, for the thing that she hathe ??? to the Lord: to wit, Samuel.
22 p Which was (as the Ebrewes write) after their trauel, when they came to be purifed, read {Exod. 38, 8}, {Leu. 12,6}.
23 ! Eli reproueth his sonnes.
24 q Because they contemne their duetie to God, {vers. 17}.
25 r So that to obey good admonitions is Gods mercie, & to disobey them, as his just judgement for sinnne.
27 ! God sendeth a Prophet to Eli.
29 t Why haue you contemned my sacrifices, and as it were trod them vnder fete.
30 u Gods promises are onely effectual to suche as he giueth constancie vnto, to feare and obey him.
31 x Thy power and autoritie.
31 ! Eli is menaced for not chastising his children.
32 y Thy posteritie shal se the glorie of the chief Priest translated in another, whome they shal enuie, {1 King. 2,27}.
33 / Or, When they come to manage.
35 z Meaning, Zadok, who succeded Abiathar, and was the figure of Christ.
36 a That is, shal be inferior vnto him.