1 a For they had now remoued it from Gilgal and set it vp in Shiloh.
1 ! The Tabernacle set in Shiloh.
2 b As Elezar, Joshua & the heades of the tribes had done to Iudah, Ephraim and halfe of Manasseh.
4 ! Certeine are sent to deuide the land to the other seuen tribes.
4 c That is, into seuen portions, to euerie tribe one.
5 d For these had their inheritance already appointed.
6 e Before the Arke of the Lord.
7 f That is, the sacrifices and offrings, {Chap. ???,14.}
8 g By writing the names of euerie countrey and citie.
10 h That euerie one shulde be content with Gods appointement.
11 i Their inheritnace bordered vpon Judah and Joseph.
11 ! The lot of the children of Benjamin.
13 k Which was in the tribe of Ephraim another Beth-el was in the tribe of Benjamin.
17 l Which is in the tribe of Ephraime.
19 m To the very streit, where the riuer runneth into the salt Sea.
28 n Which was not wholly in the tribe of Benjamin but parte of it was also in the tribe of Judah.