1 a The more that Gods power appeareth, the more the wicked rage against it.
2 ! Diuers Kings and cities, and countreis ouercome by Joshua.
2 b Which the Euangelistes call the lake of Genezereth, or Tiberias.
3 c Which was mount Sihon as {Deut. 4,48}.
6 d That nether they shuld serue to the vse of warre, nor the Israelites shulde put their trust in them.
8 e Which signifieth, hot waters, or according to some brine pittes.
11 f Bothe men women & children.
13 g Which were strong by situation & not hurt by warre.
15 ! Joshua did all that Moses had commanded him.
17 / Or, the valley of Gad.
17 k So called, because it was bare & without trees.
20 ! God hardeneth the enemies hearts that they might be destroyed.
20 l That is, to giue them ouer to them selues: and therefore they colde not but rebelle against God & seke their owne destruction.
22 m Out of the which came Goliaeth, {1 Sam. 17,4}.