1 ! The people are exhorted to obserue the commandements.
1 a That is the articles, or condicions.
4 d He sheweth that it is not in mans power to vnderstand the mysteries of God, if it be not giuen him from aboue.
10 f Who knoweth your heartes, & therefore ye may not thinke to dissemble with him.
12 g Alluding to them, that when they made a sure couenant, diuided a beast in twaine, and past betwene the partes diuided, {Gen. 15,10}
19 k For as he that is thirsty, desireth to drinke muche, so he that followeth his appetites, seketh by all meanes, & yet can not be satisfied.
19 ! The punishment of him that flattereth him selfe in his wickednes.
19 / Or, flatter.
22 l Gods plagues vpon them that rebell against him shalbe so strange, that all ages shalbe astonied.