2 b To be called vpon, serued, & worshipped spiritually {Chap. 12,5}.
5 d Onely by Gods mercie, & not by their fathers deservings.
5 c Meaning Jaakob who serued 20 yeres in Syria.
11 g Signifing that God giueth vs not goods for our selues onely, but for their vses also, which are committed to our charge.
13 ! Their protestation in offring it.
13 h Without hypocrisie.
14 m As farre as my sinneful nature wolde suffer: for els as Dauid & Paul say, there is no one juste {Psal 14,4, rom. 3,10}.
14 i By putting them to anie prophane vse.
14 k Or, for anie necessitie.