1 a Being at Jericheo, it was beyonde Jordan: but where the Israelites were, it was on this side.
4 b Which were the heades & gouernors.
5 ! King Balak sendeth for Balaam to curse the Israelites.
5 c To wit, Euphrates, vpon the which stode this citie Pethor.
7 d Thinking to bribe him with giftes to curse the Israelites.
8 e Whome before he called Elders: meaning the gouernors, & after calleth the seruants: that is, subjects to their King.
12 ! The Lord forbiddeth him to go.
12 f He warrened him by a dreame that he shulde not consent to the kings wicked request.
13 g Els he shewed him selfe willing, couetousnes had so blinded his heart.
16 h The wicked seke by all meanes to forther their naughty enterprises, thogh thei knowe that God is against them.
19 i Because he tempted God to require him contrary to his commandement, his petition was granted, but it turned to his owne condemnation.
22 ! The Angel of the Lord meteth him, & his asse speaketh.
22 k Moued rather with couetousnes then to obey God.
28 m Gaue her power to speake.
30 n Since thou hast bene my master.
31 o For whose eyes the Lord doeth not open, they can nether se his angre nor his loue.
32 p Bothe thy heart is corrupt and thine enterprise wicked.
34 / Or, before me, or, to mete me.
34 / Ebr. I wil returne to me.
35 q Because his heart was euil, his charg was renued, that he shulde not pretend ignorance.
36 r Nere the place, where the Israelites camped.
38 s Of my selfe I can speake nothing: onely what God reuealeth, that wil I vtter, seme it good or bad.
38 ! Balaam protesteth that he wil speake nothing but that which the Lord putteth in his mouthe.
39 / Or, stretes, or, a populous citie.
41 t Where the idole Baal was worshiped.