2 ! The offrings which the Israelites shulde offer when they came into the land of Canaan.
2 a Into the land of Canaan.
7 c The licour was so called because it was powred on the thing that was offred.
12 d Euerie sacrifice of beastes must haue their meat offring & drinke offring according to this proportion.
19 i By leauing Gods commandements and following your owne fantasies.
20 e Which is made of the first corne ye gather.
22 f As by ouer sight or ignorance, read {Leu. 4:2}.
24 g Some read, from the eyes of the Congregacion: that is, which is hid from the Congregacion.
30 / Ebr. with an hie hand: that is, in contempt of God.
32 ! The punishement of him that brake the Sabbath.