2 ! The ordre of the lampes.
2 a To that parte which is ouer against the Candelsticke, {Exod. 25,37}.
4 b And not set together of diuers pieces.
6 ! The purifying and offring of the Leuites.
7 c In Ebrewe it is called the water of sinne, because it is made to purge sinne, as {Chap. 19,9}.
9 d That thou maiest do this in presence of them all.
10 e Meaning certeine of them in the name of the whole.
16 f That is, thei that are the first borne.
19 g Which seruice the Israelites shulde els do.
19 h Because the Leuites go into the Sanctuarie in their name.
22 i In their presence, to serue them.
24 ! The age of the Leuites, when thei are receiued to seruice, and when thei are dimissed.
25 k Suche office as was peineful, as to beare burthens and suche like.
26 l In singing psalmes, instructing, counseling and keping the things in ordre.