1 a The land of Canaan was compassed with hilles: so thei, that entred into it, must passe vp by the hilles.
2 ! The Lord promiseth to send an Angel before his people.
4 ! Thei are sad because the Lord denieth to go vp with them.
5 b That ether may shewe mercie, if thou repent, or els punish thy rebellion.
7 c That is, the Tabernacle of the Congregacion: so called, because the people resorted thether, when they shulde be instructed of the Lords wil.
9 ! Moses talketh familiarely with God.
11 d Moste plainely & familiarely of all others, {Nomb. 12,7}
12 e I care for thee and wil preserue thee in this thy vocation.
13 ! He praieth for the people.
14 f Signifying that the Israelites shulde excel through Gods fauor all other people, {vers. 16}.
18 ! And desireth to se the glorie of the Lord.
18 g Thy face, thy substance, and thy majestie.
19 k For finding nothing in man that can derserue mercie, he wil frely saue his.
19 h My mercie, & fatherly care.
19 i Read {chap 34, vers 6,7}.
20 l For Moses sawe not his face in ful majestie, but as mans weakenes colde beare.
23 n So muche of my glorie as in this mortal life thou art able to se.