1 / Or, report a false tale.
1 / Or, cruel.
2 / Ebr. answer.
4 b If we be bounde to do good to our enemies beast, muche more to our enemie him selfe, {Mat. 5,44}.
5 c If God commande to helpe vp our enemies asse vnder his burden wil he suffre vs to cast downe our brethern with heauie burdens?
13 ! Not to make mention of the strange gods.
15 g That is, Paiter, in remembrance that the Angel passed ouer & spared the Israelites, when he slewe the firstborne of the Egyptians.
16 i That is, the feast of tabernacles, signifing that thei dwelled 40 yere vnder the tents or the tabernacles in the wildernes.
19 l Meaning that no frutes shulde be taken before just time: & hereby are brideled all cruel and wanton appetites.
25 o That is all things necessarie for this present life.
31 q Called the Sea of Syria.