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Bay Psalm Book: Psalm 145

David’s psalm of praise.

1 My God, o King, I’ll thee extol:

and bless thy Name for aye.

2 For ever will I praise thy Name;

and bless thee every day.

3 Great is the Lord, most worthy praise:

his greatness search can none.

4 Age unto age shall praise thy works:

and thy great acts make known.

5 I of thy glorious honour will

speak of thy majesty;

and of the operations

by thee done wondrously.

6 Also men of thy mighty works

shall speak which dreadful are:

also concerning thy greatness,

it I will forth declare:

7 Thy great goodnesses memory

they largely shall express:

and they shall with a shouting voice

sing of thy righteousness.

8 The Lord is gracious, and he is

full of compassion:

slow unto anger, and full of



9 The Lord is good to all: or’e all

his works his mercies be.

10 All thy works shall praise thee, O Lord:

and thy Saints shall bless thee,

11 They’ll of thy kingdoms glory speak:

and talk of thy power high;

12 To make men’s sons his great acts know:

his kingdoms majesty.

13 Thy Kingdom is a kingdom aye:

and thy reign lasts always.

14 The Lord doth hold up all that fall:

and all down-bow’d ones raise.

15 All eyes wait on thee, and their meat

thou dost in season bring.

16 Opnest thy hand, and the desire

fill'st of each living thing.

17 In all his ways the Lord is just:

and holy in’s works all.

18 He’s near to all that call on him:

in truth that on him call.

19 He satisfy will the desire

of those that do him fear:

He will be safety unto them,

and when they cry he’ll hear.

20 The Lord preserves each one of them

that lovers of him be:

but whosoever wicked are

abolish them doth he.

21 My mouth the praises of the Lord

by speaking shall express:

also all flesh his holy Name

for evermore shall bless.