1 Not to us, not unto us, Lord,
but glory to thy Name afford:
for thy mercy, for thy truths sake.
2 The heathen wherefore should they say:
where is their God now gone away?
3 But heavn’s our God his fear doth make:
He hath done whatsoe’re he would.
4 Their Idols are silver and gold:
the handy work of men they were.
5 Mouths have they, speechless yet they be:
eyes have they, but they do not see.
6 Ears have they but they do not hear:
Noses have they, but do not smell.
7 Hands have they, but cannot handle,
feet have they but they do not go:
And through their throat they never spake.
8 Like them are they, that do them make:
and all that trust in them are so.
9 Trust in the Lord o Israel,
he is their help, their shield as well.
10 O Aaron’s house the Lord trust ye:
He is their help, and he their shield.
11 Who fear the Lord, trust to him yield:
their help also their shield is he.
12 The Lord hath mindful been of us,
he'll bless us, he’ll bless Isr’el’s house:
blessing he’le Aaron’s house afford.
13 He’ll bless Gods fearers: great and small.
14 You and your sons, the Lord much shall
15 increase still. You blest of the Lord
16 which heav’n and earth made. Heav’ns heav’ns
the Lords: but th’ earth men’s sons gives he. (be
17 The Lords praise dead do not afford:
Nor any that to silence bow.
18 But we will bless the Lord both now
and ever henceforth. praise the Lord.