2 a All things shalbe renued and restored into a most excellent and perfect estate, and therefore the day of the resurrection is called, The day of restauracion of all things, {Acts 5,21}
1 b For all things shalbe purged from their corruption, and the faithful shal enter into heauen with their head Christ.
2 d Meaning, that God by his diuine majestie wil glorifie & renew his, & take them vnto him.
6 f I that am your eternal life, wil giue vnto mine to drinke of the liuelie waters of this euerlasting life.
8 h Thei which mocke & jest at religion.
8 ! And the miserable condicion of the wicked.
10 k By this description is declared the incomprehensible excellencie, which the heauenlie companie do enjoye.
10 l It is said to come downe from heauen, because all the benefites that the Church hathe, they acknowledge it to come fo God through Christ.
11 m Euer grene & flourishing.
12 o That is, place ynough to enter: for els we knowe there is but one way & one gate, euen Jesus Christ.
14 p For the Apostles were meanes whereby Jesus Christ the true fundacion was reueiled to the worlde.