1 a The minister liueth when he bringeth forthe good frutes, els he is dead.
4 b Ether by consenting to idolaters, or els polluting their conscience with any euil.
7 c Which signifeith that Christ hathe all the power ouer the house of Dauid, which is the Church, so that he may ether receiue or put out whome he wil.
9 e I wil cause them in thy sight to humble themselues, & to giue due honour to God, and to his Sonne Christ.
11 f Let no man plucke them away what thou hast wonne to God: for they are thy crowne, as S. Paul writeth, saying, Brethren, ye are my joye & my crowne {Phil 4,1. 1 thes. 2,19}
14 h Of whome all creatures haue their beginning.
17 k Thus the hypocrites boast of their owne power and do not vnderstand their infirmities to seke to Christ for remedie.
17 i Persuading thyself of that which thou hast not.