1 / Or, substance.
1 b Which are eternal.
1 a Which was as it were the first draught and purtrait of the liuely paterne to come.
1 ! The olde lawe had no power to clense awaye sinne.
5 d In the hebrewe it is, thou hast perced mine eares throwe, that is, hast made me prompt and ready to heare: and in the greke, thou hast made me a bodie, that is, to obey thee, which bothe tende to one purpose.
9 g Which is, the wil of God to stand content with Christs sacrifice.
18 i Where there remaine no sinnes to be forgiuen, that is no more sacrifice: seing therefore that onely Christs death hathe washed awaye all sinnes, and doeth euer a fresh when sinners do repent, there can be none other sacrifice but that, & it can be no more reiterate.
18 k For the offring of thankesgiuing, which is the onelie sacrifice now of the Christians, is not for sinne: but a thankesgiuing & an offring vp of our selues & ours for the same.
22 n That is, hauing our hearts made pure.
29 q Whereby it is euident that the Apostle here onely meaneth of the sinne, which is against the holie Gost, as also {Chap. 6,4}
33 / Or, of that state.