1 ! He exhorteth them vnto mekenes, long suffering, vnto loue and peace.
4 c So that ye can not dissent one from another, seing the Spirit, which joyneth you in one bodie, can not dissent from him self.
6 e By his prouidence.
8 g The Mesias cam downe from heauen into the earth, to triumph ouer Satan, death and sinne, and led them as prisonners & sclaues, which before were conquerers, and kept all insubjection: which victorie he gate and also gaue it as a most precious gift to his Church.
12 i To restore that which was out of order.
13 l That we may be of a ripe Christian age & come to the ful measure of the knowledge which we shal haue of Christ.
15 m Christ being head of his Church, nourisheth his membres & joyneth them together by jointes, so that euerie parte hathe his juste proportion of fode, that at length the bodie may grow vp to perfection.
18 p The hardenes of heart is the founteine of ignorance.
22 r That is, all the natural corruption that is in vs.
26 t If so be that ye be angry, so moderat your affections, that it burst not out into any euils worke, but be sone appeased.