6 d Who is the efficient cause.
6 e Which is, the final cause.
7 f By the Gospel, and the power of God and his owne integritie, he ouerthrew Satan, and the worlde, as with weapons on euerie side most ready.
11 g Signifying his moste vehement affection.
12 h Their iudgement was so corrupted, that they were not likewise affectioned towardes him, as he was towardes them.
14 ! Also to kepe them selues from all pollution of idolatrie bothe in bodie, and soule, and to haue none acquaintance with idolaters.
14 k He semeth to allude to the which is written, {Deut. 22,10} where the Lord commandeth that an oxe & an asse be not yoked together, because the match is vnequal: so if the faithful marie with the infideles, or els haue to do with them in anie thing vnlawful, it is here reproued.