2 a For they colde not yet comprehende this secret, which was hid from the Angels them selues, euen from the creation of the worlde, {Eph. 3,8. col. 1, 26}
18 d Their modestie declareth that they were not ashamed to vnsay that wereof they had vnjustely blamed Peter.
18 e This repentance dependeth vpon faith.
18 ! The Church approueth it.
20 f He meaneth not the Jewes which being scatered abroade in diuers countreis were called by this name, but the Grecians, which were Gentiles.
21 g The power and vertue.
22 h This was the moste famous citie of Syria, and bordered vpon Cilicia.
28 k This prophecie was an occasion to the Antiochians to relieue the necessitie of their brethren in Jerusalem.
28 ! Agabus prophecieth death to come.
29 l To signifie that it came of a charitable minde towardes them.