1 a Because he sawe the danger great which was towarde them, therefore he toke the greater care for them.
10 d That is, to be continually purged of his corrupt affections and worldelie cares which remaine dayly in vs.
14 ! Exhorting them to humilitie & charitie.
21 i He did openly affirme.
21 ! Telleth them of Judas the traitour,
23 k Their facion was not to sit at table, but hauing their shoes of, and cushions vnder their elbowes, leaned on their sides, as it were halfe lying.
31 m Meaning, that his crosse shal ingender a marucilous glorie, and that in it shal shine the infinite bountie of God.
34 n Whereof we oght to haue continual remembrance as thoght it were euen newly giuen.