2 a This fast was miraculous, to confirme the Gospel, and oght no more of men to be followed them the other miracles that Christ did.
6 c Satan promiseth that, which he can not giue, thinking thereby that he might deceiue the more craftely: for he is but prince of the worlde by permission, & hathe his power limited.
8 / Greke, Go behinde me.
9 e This declareth how hard it is to resist the tentacions of Satan: for he giueth not ouer for twise or thrise putting backe.
13 f It is not ynought, twise or thrise to resist Satan: for he neuer ceaseth to tempt: or if he relent a litle, it is to the end that he maye renewe his force & assaile vs more sharply.
19 h He alludeth to the yere of Jubile, which is mencioned in the Law, whereby this great deliuerance was figured.
22 i Thei approued & commended what soeuer he said.
32 p Ful of dignitie & majestie, which touched the heart of the auditiours and caused them to beare reuerence to his wordes.
41 r The deuils are constrained to confesse Christ to be the Sonne of God, & yet it doeth nothing auaile them, because it cometh not of faith.
41 ! The deuils acknowledge Christ.