1 a The Greke worde signifieth the vessel or fat, which standeth vnder the winepresse to receiue the joyce or licour.
1 ! The vindyarde is let out.
9 b He sheweth the plague that shal befale these ambitious & couetous rulers, whose hearts are hardened against Christ.
11 c It is the ordinance of God that it shulde be so, which moste communely is contrarie to mans reason: & thus that which was spoken figuratiuely of Dauid, is fulfilled in Christ, read {Matth. 22,16}
14 e As godlie manners, agreable to Gods Law.
14 ! Obedience and tribute due to princes.
25 h Not as touching the spiritual nature, but concerning the state of incorruption, and immortalitie, so that then there shal nede no more mariage.
34 m Because he shewed him self willing to be taught and wel perceiued the difference betwixt our outwarde profession, and that which God doeth principally require of vs.
38 o He condemneth not their apparel, but their vaine ostentation and outwarde shewe of holines, whereby they deceiued the simple people.
38 ! Hypocrites must be eschewed.