2 a Christ sheweth by this poore entrie the state of his kingdome, and it is not like to the great magnificence of this worlde.
8 b Euerie one shewed some signe of honour and reuerence.
9 / Or, saue, I pray thee.
10 c Many came in their owne name, but Christ came in the Name of the Lord.
10 d Because the promes was made to him.
11 ! Christ rideth to Jerusalem.
12 e Christ was subject to our infirmities.
13 ! The figge tree dryeth vp.
14 f This was to declare how much they displease God which haue but an outwarde shewe & appearance with frute.
15 ! The biers and sellers are cast out of the Temple.
18 g For nether colde they suffer reprehension, nor that their profite shulde be hindered.
22 h Christ taketh occasion to instruct them of the vertue of faith.
24 i He teacheth vs not hereby to aske whatsoeuer semeth good in our fantasies: for our prayer must be grounded on faith and our faith vpon the worde of God.
24 ! He declareth the vertue of faith and how we shulde pray.
27 ! The Pharises questions with Christ.
30 k He comprehendeth his whole office, and ministerie.
33 l They came of malice, and not to learne: therefore Christ thoght them vnworthie to be taught.