1 b To the end that he ouercoming these tentations might get the victorie for vs.
1 ! Christ fasteth & is tempted.
3 c Satan wolde haue Christ to distrust God, and his worde and followe other strange and vnlawful meanes.
5 e To wit, Jerusalem.
6 f He alledgeth but halfe the sentence to deceiue thereby the rather, and cloke his craftie purpose.
7 g We must not leaue suche lawful meanes as God hathe appointed, to seke others after our owne fantasie.
11 i The worde of God is the sworde of the spirit, wherewith Satan is ouercome.
11 k To comfort him.
15 n Christ had preached now almost a yere in Judea, and Samaria, and after went to preache in the vppermost Galile, which was out of the bordes of Palestina.
18 ! He calleth Peter, Andrew, James, and John, and healeth all the sicke.
22 We oght to be moste ready to followe Christ, when he calleth, leauing all worldelie respects aparte.
24 u They that were mad or sicke at a certeine time of the moone.