1 c When the Jewes shal convert and repent then God wil destroye their enemies.
1 ! Whereby he meaneth Syria.
2 d That is, by Damascus: meaning that Hamath or Antriochia shulde by vnder the same rod and plague.
2 e He secretly sheweth the cause of their destruction because they deceiued all other by their craft, and subtiltie, which they cloked with this name of wisdome.
4 f Thogh they of Tyrus thinke them selves invincible by reason of the sea, that compasseth them round about, yet they shal not escape Gods judgements.
7 h He promiseth to deliuer the Jewes when he shal take vengeance on their enemies for their crueltie, and wrongs done to them.
7 i As the Jebusites had bene destroyed, so shulde Ekron and all the Philistims.
8 l That is, God hathe now sent the great injuries and afflictions wherewith they haue bene afflicted by their enemies.
8 k He sheweth that Gods power onely shalbe sufficient to defend his Church against all adversaries be thei neuer so cruel or assemble their power neuer so often.
9 n Which, declareth that they shulde not loke for suche a King as shulde be glorified in the eyes of man but shulde be poore, and yet in him self haue all power to deliuer his: & this is ment of Christ, as {Mat. 21,5}
9 m That is, he he hath righteousnes, and salvation in him selfe for the vse & commoditie of his Church.
10 p That it, from the red sea, to the sea called Syriacum: and by these places which the Jewes knewe, he ment an infinite space & compasse ouer the whole worlde.
10 o No power of man or creature shalbe able to let this kingdome of Christ (???) he shal peaceably gouerne them by his worde.
11 r Meaning, Jerusalem or the Church, which is saued by the blood of Christ whereof the blood of the sacrifices was a figure, and is here called the couenant of the Church because God made it with his Church, and left it with them for the loue that he bare vnto them.
12 x That is, double benefites, and prospertie in respect of that which your fathers enjoyed from Dauids time to the captiuitie.
12 u Meaning, the faithful, which semed to be in danger of their enemies on euerie side, and yet liued in hope that God wolde restore them to libertie.
12 t That is, into the holie land where the citie and the Temple are, where God wil defend you.
13 y I wil make Judah and Ephraim, that is, my whole Church victorious against all enemies, which he here meaneth by the Grecians.
15 z He promiseth that the Jewes shal destroye their enemies and haue abundance, and excesse of all things, as there is abundance on the altar when the sacrifice is offred: Which things are not to moue them to intemperancie, but to sobrietie, and a thankful rembrance of Gods great liberalitie.