1 a When Jeremiah begain to beare these bondes and yokes.
1 b After that the land had rested as {Leu. 25, 1}, {deu. 15, 1}
6 e That is, I wolde with the fame for Gods honour, & welthe of my people, but he hathe appointed the contrarie.
8 f Meaning, that the Prophetes that did ether denounce warre or peace, were tyred ether true or false by the successe of their prophecies. Albeit God maketh to come to passe sometime that which the false prophet speaketh, to trye the faith of his, {Deut. 13,3}
10 g This declareth the impudencie of the wicked hirelings, which haue no zeale to the trueth, but are led with ambition to get the fauour of men, & therefore can not abide any, that might discredit them, but burst forthe into rages, and contrarie to their owne conscience, passe not what lies they report, or how wickedly they do so that thei many main teine their esteimation.
14 i Signifying, that all shulde be his, as {Dan. 2,38}.