4 a Because this riuer Periath or Euphrates was farre from Jerusalem, it is eiudent, that this was a vision, whereby was signified that the Jewes shulde passe ouer Euphrates to be captiues, in Babylon & therefor length of time shulde seme to be rotten: althogh they were joyned to the Lord before as a girdle about a man.
12 b Euerie one of you shalbe filled with spiritual drunkenes, and be without all knowledge to seke how to helpe your selues.
14 c It shalbe as easie for me to destroye the greatest and the strongest, as it is for a man to break earthen bottels.
16 e Meaning, for helpe and support of the Egyptians
17 f You shal surely be led away captiue & I, acording to mine affection toward you, shal wepe, and lament for your stubbernes.
18 g For Jehoiachin, & his mother rendred them selues by Jeremiahs counsel to the King of Babylon, {2 King. 24, 12}.
27 o There is no place so hie nor lo, where as the markes and signes of thine idolatrie appeare not.