1 a The time of thy prosperitie and felicitie: where as speaking of Babylon he commanded her to go downe {Chap. 47,1}.
2 b Signifying that all men are in darknenes til God giue them the light of his Spirit, and that this light shineth to none buy to those that in his Church.
3 c Meaning, that Judea shulde be as the morning starre & that the Gentiles shulde receiue light of her.
3 ! The Gentiles shal come to the knowledge of the Gospel.
6 f Meaning, that euery one shal honour the Lord with that, wherewith he is able: signifying that it is no true seruing of God, except we offer our selues to serue his glorie, & all that we haue.
7 h Because the altar was a figure of Christ, {Ebr. 13,10}: he sheweth that nothing can be acceptable to him, which is not offred to him by this altar, who was bothe the offring and the altar it self.
8 i She ving what great nomber shal come to the Church & with what great diligence and zeale.
10 l Meaning, Cyrus and his successors: but chiefly this is accomplished in them that serue Christ being conuerted by his Gospel.
12 m He sheweth that God hathe giuen all power & autoritie here in earth for the vse of his Church: and that they which wil not serue and profit the same, shal be destroied.
13 o Signifying, that Gods majestie is not included in the temple, which is but the place for his fete, that we may learne to rise vp to the heauens.
16 q Bothe hie and lowe shal be readie to helpe and succour thee.