1 ! Diuers percepts to followe that which is good, and to auoide the contrarie.
2 a There is not state, wherein man can liue to haue perfite quietens in this life.
3 b He speaketh thus after the judgement of the flesh, which thinketh death to be the end of all euils: or els, because that this corporal death is the entring into life euerlasting.
4 c Where we maie se the hand of God & learne to examine our liues.
8 d Which crackel for a while and profite nothing.
9 e A man that is estemed wise, when he falleth to oppression, becometh like a beast.
10 f He noteth their lightnes which enterprise a thing, & sudenly leaue it of againe.
12 g Murmure not against God when he sendeth aduersities for mans sinnes.
13 h He answereth to them that esteme not wisdome, except riches be joyned therewith shewing that bothe are the giftes of God, but that wisdome is farre more excellent & maie be without riches.
16 k That man shulde be able to controlle nothing in his workes.
16 i Consider wherfore God doethe send it and what maie comfort thee.
17 l Meaning, that cruel tyrants put the godlie to death and let the wicked go fre.
18 m Boast not to muche of thine owne justice and wisdome.
19 n Tarie not long when you art admonished to come out of the waie of wickednes.
20 o To wit, on these admonitions that go before.
20 p Consider what desolasion & destruction shal come, if thou do not obeie them.
23 q Credit them not, nether care for them.
24 / Or, spoken euil of others.
29 s That is, to come to a conclusion.
31 t And so are cause of their owne destruction.