2 b Bridel thine appetite, as it were by force and violence.
3 c For oft times the riche, when they bid their inferiours to their tables, it is not for the loue they beare them, but for their owne secret purposes.
4 d Bestowe not the giftes that God hathe giuen thee, to get wordelie riches.
6 e That is, couetous, as contrarie a good eye is taken for liberal, as {Chap. 22, 9}.
8 f He wil not cease, til he hathe done thee some harme, & his flattering wordes shal come to no vse.
14 g That is from destruction.
18 h The prosperitie of the wicked shal not continue.
19 i In the obseruation of Gods commandements.
20 / Ebr deuourers of flesh.
23 k Spare no cost for truesths sake, nether departe from it for anie gaine.
25 i Giue thy self wholly to wisdome.
28 m Sh seduceth manie, & causeth them to offend God.
30 n Which by art make wine stronger, and more pleasant.
33 o That is, dronkennes shal bring thee to whoredome.
34 p In suche great danger shalt thou be.
35 q Thogh dronkennes make them more insensible then beasts, yet can they not refraine.