1 ! The people dispersed vnder Antiochus do magnifie the goodnes of God among the juste and repentant:
1 a The Prophet exhorteth the people to praiese God for his benefites past, that thereby their mindes maie be strengthened against all present troubles & despaire.
3 b He sheweth that it is not ynought to praise God with mouth, except the whole heart agre therunto, and all our life be thereunto framed.
4 c Let the good wil that thou bearest to thy people, extend vnto me, that thereby I maie be receiued in to the nomber of thine.
6 d By earnest confession aswel of their owne, as of their fathers sinnes, they shew that they had hope that God according to his promes wolde pitie them.
8 ! And after the manifolde maruels of God wroght in their deliuerance forthe of Egypt, and the great ingratitude of the people rehearsed,
8 e The inestimable goodnes of God appeareth in this, that he wolde change the ordre of nature, rather then his people shulde not be deliuered, althogh they were wicked.
17 i By the greatnes of the punishment, the hainous offence maie be considered: for they that rise against God ministers, rebel against him.
20 k He sheweth that all idolaters renounce God to be their glorie, when instead of him they worship anie creature, muche more wood, stone, metal or calues.
28 o Which was the idole of the Moabites.
29 q Signifying, that whatsoeuer man inuenteth of him self to serue God by, is detestable & prouoketh his angre.
30 r When all other neglected Gods glorie, he in his zeale killed the adulterers & preuented Gods wrath.
32 t If so notable a Prophet of God escape not punishment thogh others prouoked him to sinne, how muche more shal they be subject to Gods judgement, which cause Gods children to sin?
37 u He sheweth how monstruos a thing idolatrie is, which can winne vs to things abhorring to nature, where as Gods worde can not obteine moste smale things.
43 y The Prophet sheweth that nether by menaces, nor promises we can come to God, except we be all together newly reformed, & that his mercie ouercouer and hide our malice.
45 z Not that God is changeable in him self, but that then he semeth to vs to repent, when he altereth his punishment, & forgiueth vs.
47 a Gather thy Church, which is dispersed, and giue vs constancie vnder the crosse, that with one consent we may all praise thee.
47 ! Thei do pray & desire to be gathered from among the heathen to the intent thei may praise the Name of God of Israel.