1 b Thogh many crye in their sorowes,yet they crye not earnestly to God for remedie as he did: whome he confessed to be the autor of his saluacion.
1 ! A grieurus complaint of the faithful, sore afflicted by sicknes, persecution & aduersitie:
5 c For he that is dead, is fre from all cares & busines of this life: & thus he saieth because he was vnprofitable for all matters concerning mans life, and as it were cut of from this worlde.
7 e The stormes of thy wrath haue ouerwhelmed me.
8 f He attributeth the losse & displeasure of his friends to Gods prouidence, whereby he partely punisheth and partely trieth his.
8 g I se none end of my sorowes.
10 i He sheweth that the time is more couenient for God, to helpe, when men call vnto him in their dangers then to tary til thei be dead & then raise them vp againe.
18 ! Complaining him self to be forsaken of all earthlie helpe.