1 ! The Prophet in the name of the Church rehearseth the greatnes of his affliction, and his grieuous tentations.
3 b He sheweth that we must paciently abide although God deliuer vs not out of our troubles at the first cry.
6 d Of thankesgiuing which I was accustomed to sing in my prosperitie.
6 e Bothe the causes why I was chastened, and when my sorowes shulde haue an end.
10 g Thogh Ifirst douted of my life, yet considering that God had his yeres, that is, change of times, & was accustomed also to lift vp them, whome he hathe beaten, I toke heart againe.
11 ! And the continual course of Gods workes in the preseruation of his seruants, & so he confirmeth his faith against these tentations.
13 i He condemneth all that worship anie thing saue the onely true God, whose glorie appeareth through the worlde.
16 k He declareth, wherin that the power of God was declared, when he deliuered the Israelites through the red Sea.